Monday, February 20, 2012

Dear Fellow Freecyclers,

Some Freecycle lists do not allow animals to be posted as an OFFER or a WANTED. They do still allow posts for accessories and habitats for pets, such as toys, dishes and cages. Generally, I don't have a problem with this. This is very much a good thing. I actually support people finding forever homes for their furry loved ones using Freecycle, although I give credit to the argument against it because those who oppose do have very valid concerns.

That said, there's a line and here it is.

Make sure you have everything you need for a new pet BEFORE you bring that pet home. Purchasing a pet from a breeder or even a pet store (or even an adoption fee) can be expensive so if a Freecycler can alleviate the financial burden while also decluttering their home and reusing items left unused, this is great and you'll get no judgment from me; but get that done before you bring the pet home. If you take a pet from an OFFER post, make sure you have purchased everything you need before you go to the location to pick up your new pet. If you cannot afford those items for your pet and would need to ask Freecycle for them, then maybe now is not the time to take that particular pet because you can obviously not afford it.

I'm not a snob when it comes to pet ownership. I generally think it's a good idea.

But just be smart about it.

When I see a WANTED post for a "big cage" because someone already has their bird, I think about that poor bird crammed into a small cage with no toys (since toys were also in that particular WANTED). We're adults here so we can manage the calendar a little better than this to make sure the ducks are in a row beforehand.

As Always,

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dear Fellow Freecyclers,

Very rarely do I post WANTEDs. It's usually something that I cannot afford for a while but could really put to use if acquired immediately or something that I don't really need but would gladly have if it was available. This way, if I don't get it, it's really not that big of a deal.

I understand that there are pseudo-hoarders who use the Freecycle list to feed their addiction. They post OFFERs often, to make it appear like they are giving things away but, in honesty, they aren't choosing anyone who responds. Then they post WANTEDs. Let me say, I understand this much and generally have accepted it. Hoarding is a manifestation of a legitimate psychological condition. They're going to be at garage sales, poking through curb piles, and posting on Freecycle lists. That's just how it goes.

But I'm really annoyed. It really, really annoys me. I mean I absolutely hate it. When one of these people constantly posts a WANTED for an item that was just posted as wanted by another Freecycler. It's as if the other person reminded that hoarder that they would also like whatever that is. So they just post their WANTED for the same exact damn thing just moments after the original post went out to the group.

It pisses me off because then it becomes a competition and the hoarder's inherent selfishness bubbles to the surface.

It's ugly.

Just ugly.

Don't do it.

As Always,

Monday, February 13, 2012

Dear Fellow Freecyclers,

Giving away a washer and dryer is pretty tricky. I remember going through so much effort to get an ancient looking washer and dryer that I found on the curb back to my apartment, without even knowing if they worked. (They did work. Very well, in fact. And they lasted until I could afford a new set.)

Getting a washer and dryer from Freecycle is even better because the mystery is gone. The person offering it can tell you exactly what's up with it. You know what you're putting all this energy and sweat into bringing home.

Now, with that said, here's an important note for when you might be offering a washer and dryer. If the washer leaks and the dryer needs a new heating element, they aren't in "good condition". If the exterior still looks great, make note of it, sure. But a great looking exterior does not mean the machines are in good condition. The washer not leaking water all over the floor and the dryer actually heating up to dry the clothes is what constitutes a good condition. What you might be looking for is the term, "needs work."

As Always,

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Dear Fellow Freecyclers,

OH MY GOD! Do not, for the love of all, do not post an offer for your used lingerie and hosiery!


As Always,
Dear Fellow Freecyclers,

In consideration of this letter where we reviewed the types of post labels permitted to Freecycle, I'd like to get into how not to side-step around the WANTED to post a NEED.

WANTED: I really need a stack of magazines by this afternoon

I have changed the actual item but the original was equivalent to a stack of magazines.

First of all, you don't start explaining in the subject. The subject should read: WANTED: stack of magazines

Secondly, you don't set a deadline to it. You're asking someone to give you something. Plus, on moderated lists, it's likely the post won't even be distributed to the list before your deadline expires. This will make it even less likely that you will receive what you want because people think the time has passed.

Finally, you don't need magazines. You want them. They may be required for a project but if you're posting same day for a stack of them, that's poor planning on your part and does not constitute an emergency to violate basic posting guidelines and etiquette. Freecycle doesn't post NEEDED, it posts WANTED because everyone is equal and all WANTEDS and OFFERS are equal.

As Always,