Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dear My Fellow Freecyclers,

Are you burdened with an enormous population of neglected, ignored, valueless, cheap McDonald's Happy Meal toys? Me, too. Don't freecycle them. Do the world and, more importantly, both you and your child a favor by not purchasing a Happy Meal that provides these cheap toys that provide no educational or entertainment value. McDonald's, and all these fast food restaurants, need to receive the message that parents will not purchase these unless there's something of quality, both in food and toy, for their children. By chucking the toys into a bin until you've had enough and decide it's a good idea to just give them all away to some stranger, who is likely grandparents that will bore their grandchildren by offering them as toys during visits, you continue a cycle that keeps the fast food places pleased as punch: you give them money for their useless crap.

If a business is not offering something worth keeping, stop buying it. Your child may love the new Kung-fu Panda movie and thinks s/he would love a toy of Po; but, does your child want that child of Po? Obviously not, because two minutes after opening the plastic bag, it's forgotten on the floor of the car. These corporations are more than capable of providing the same quality kids meal product as Chik-fil-a and they would do it without the homophobic agenda.

So just stop. Don't buy them, don't offer them, don't keep them in existence.

As Always,

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