Sunday, January 22, 2012

Dear Fellow Freecyclers,

There are a lot of advantages to having a moderator that is nice enough to allow your local list to be unmoderated for posting. This means that if you have a time sensitive OFFER or WANTED post, it will reach the local freecyclers almost immediately after you posted it. In moderated lists, you are subjected to the whim of the moderator so your time sensitive post could end up getting sent out hours to a full day after you needed it out there.

So if you're lucky enough to be a member of a list that's unmoderated, don't abuse it. A moderator can always delete posts that are inappropriate but it should really be unnecessary for a moderator to have to delete a post that went out to over a thousand people asking for a blowjob.

Grow up.

As Always,

Specifically about freecycling for sexual favors, a member who posted a WANTED for a blowjob was reported as "Inappropriate" by several other members. The moderator then reported the post to the local police department whose Sexual Victims Unit launched an investigation. Part of the investigation is tracing the post to the individual who created it. Freecycling for sexual favors is considered Sexting and Sexual Harassment. It is against the law in many areas of the United States, as well as throughout other parts of the world.

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