Monday, February 20, 2012

Dear Fellow Freecyclers,

Some Freecycle lists do not allow animals to be posted as an OFFER or a WANTED. They do still allow posts for accessories and habitats for pets, such as toys, dishes and cages. Generally, I don't have a problem with this. This is very much a good thing. I actually support people finding forever homes for their furry loved ones using Freecycle, although I give credit to the argument against it because those who oppose do have very valid concerns.

That said, there's a line and here it is.

Make sure you have everything you need for a new pet BEFORE you bring that pet home. Purchasing a pet from a breeder or even a pet store (or even an adoption fee) can be expensive so if a Freecycler can alleviate the financial burden while also decluttering their home and reusing items left unused, this is great and you'll get no judgment from me; but get that done before you bring the pet home. If you take a pet from an OFFER post, make sure you have purchased everything you need before you go to the location to pick up your new pet. If you cannot afford those items for your pet and would need to ask Freecycle for them, then maybe now is not the time to take that particular pet because you can obviously not afford it.

I'm not a snob when it comes to pet ownership. I generally think it's a good idea.

But just be smart about it.

When I see a WANTED post for a "big cage" because someone already has their bird, I think about that poor bird crammed into a small cage with no toys (since toys were also in that particular WANTED). We're adults here so we can manage the calendar a little better than this to make sure the ducks are in a row beforehand.

As Always,

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